Monday 22 April 2013

I write to...

I write to complete assignments. I don't like writing so I don't do it very often. I take many math courses and science courses to keep the writing to a minimum because I like math and science more. My english is not very good, and maybe it would improve if I practiced, but it is not enjoyable for me so I don't do it.


  1. I like how your being completely honest in your opinion. Alot of people would not be honest just to show people that they like english and are well rounded people. English can be a very difficult subject if it doesn't come naturally to someone. Unlike math and science, english requires a different kind of intellect or skill. Admitting this as your strengths and weaknesses is always a good thing.

  2. Yeah I like that you're being honest, too. If you don't like writing then that's how it is. No need to act differently. It is fine that you like math and science more because these are important subjects. It is sort of same with me. I don't mind writing as much though, I guess.
