Tuesday 16 April 2013

RIP English

This post has been made in response to this news article. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/booknews/9729383/Catcher-in-the-Rye-dropped-from-US-school-curriculum.html
I show, in this post, how english has helped and influenced my english course career.

1: Books I have been exposed to over my english courses
The Giver
Lord of the Flies
Death of a Salesman
To Kill a Mockingbird
Catcher in the Rye
Twelfth Night
The Reader
Romeo and Juliet
A Midsummer Nights Dream
Message from Pigman
51% Minority
Inherit the Wind
A Modest Proposal

2: My experiences reading these novels
The Giver:
  • ·            I felt very involved and eager to read more.
  • ·            I learned that there might be more to the world than what we know about in our life.

Death Of A Salesman:
  • ·            It was a sad play and made me feel a lot of sympathy for the father.
  • ·            Learned about Marxism and the American Dream.

To Kill a Mockingbird:
  • ·            Very good book, I really enjoyed it.
  • ·            It was about racism and how we accuse the innocent just because of their skin colour.

The Reader:
  • ·            It was a boring book, and a grind to get through.
  • ·            I learned about tainted memories and how sometimes the past can never be forgotten.

3: The value of literature
I believe that the value of this literature, on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 having no value and 10 being incredible valuable), is a 7. I believe that it is very useful to study literature and see how each author depicts their words. How each style of writing is shown and is studied. I also believe it gives us knowledge of many things, like racism (To Kill a Mockingbird), philosophy (The Giver), etc. English is the only mandatory course in high school because our main language in Canada is English. Everyone needs to know how to speak, read, and write English at a decent level. English class is there to help advance your level of understanding of the language, so when you move on after high school, you can seem intellectual and understand most of the English language. There are some things though that are not very useful, like short stories.


  1. I strongly agree with your points. English literature is most beneficial when it teaches us knowledge and understanding about the world. It also helps us when trying to improve our writing of prose. I also think that sometimes English can be unnecessary, especially in some types of fantastical novels and stories. Other than that English's true aim is to help you to write and understand english better.

  2. I'd give it about a 7 :D haha. I'd probably give it a 6 comparing it to issues like Global Warming and Warfare being a 10. But literature is very useful for self improvement and character. The stories and the choice of words can stick with you for the rest of your life. It also helps you with writing essays, letters, reports, etc.

    1. Good point about how there are more pressing issues in the world. English is a necessity, but should not be focused on too overwhelmingly because there is more to the world than understanding the English language and reading novels, although they do teach you many life lessons.

  3. I wouldn't compare literature to environmental issues or wars. They are totally different. I personally think that studying literature is the best and most important component of our English courses now. I see literature as a bearer of culture and mind. It has taught me so much more than informational texts.

  4. Hello, I am a student in King City. This post on your blog is very interesting. I can appreciate your view point on the English course. It is considered a mandatory course to take throughout high school because it can be applied to the world in many different ways. The skills you learn throuhgout this course become very useful beyond high school. English is everywhere, in university, future jobs and in everyday life. Taking the English course prepares us for what we may encounter in our future lives. Keep up the great blogging! I hope to hear back from you soon!
